Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vail and fathers day...the good, the bad and the scary Coop

Cooper had his first vacation this week to Vail Colorado. Jason and I were very nervous to take him on a plane. We over prepared with everything we could take and convinced ourselves it would be great. A 4 hour delay and a broken jetway later we arrived to Vail at midnight, 6 hours late and 5 hours after Coops bedtime.

Coop was a good sport and for the first few days he was so happy and observant, loving the outdoors and hanging with Dylan. Saturday we spent our last day in Colorado hanging out with one of J's good friends Greg, his wife McKenzie and their beautiful baby boy Cody. That was a long day and maybe too much for Coop. By the time we got back to Vail, Cooper was in rare form. We put him to bed and thought he would be back to his happy self the next day when we flew back. Didn't quite work out that way. As Cooper screamed hysterically down the airport corridor and we received a mixture of horrified and embarrassed looks we realized Coop likes a routine!

All in all vacation was great,and we realized for now Coop is the boss and we will make sure to get him to bed on time!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

pool time and new friends!

Such a great and busy couple of weeks. Memorial weekend was busy with a birthday party and trip to Wichita to meet some family and an art festival! This week Cooper got to meet his Aunt Kim one of my best friends from high school. They spent the day at the pool getting to know each other. She is in love but how can you not he is adorable. The rest of the weekend was busy and then another day at the pool on Sunday. Part 2 of pool didn't go as well for Mr. Cooper as you can see from the picture!

Little Man is officially 5 months old now! Time is flying and on his official 5 month day a new friend was born! I can't wait for the boys to start playing together!